Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has developed a 2-megawatt (MW) 16-cylinder high-speed gas engine achieving one of the world’s highest power generation efficiency ratings in a high-speed gas engine. Through the adoption of technologies including two-stage turbocharging1 and Miller cycle2, the new engine offers power generation efficiency exceeding 44.7% (lower heating value3), one of the highest ratings for a high-speed gas engine for power generation and cogeneration applications. Demonstration testing using a prototype of the new engine will get under way in September.
MHI further plans to steadily expand from the newly developed 16-cylinder model to a full series of 6- to 24-cylinder models offering outputs ranging from 0.75 to 3 MW. In this way MHI will expand its lineup to accommodate a broad array of needs, both in Japan and overseas, for distributed power supplies, regular power generation and cogeneration systems, and emergency power supplies in preparation for disasters of all kinds.