Mitsubishi Electric announced today the launch of the 1,200-volt large-type transfer-mold Dual In-line Package Intelligent Power Module (DIPIPM) Ver.4 (model PS22A79) with an industry-leading current rating of 50 amperes. The PS22A79 employs the newly developed sixth-generation IGBT (LPT-CSTBT: Light-Punch Trough Carrier Stored Trench-gate Bipolar Transistor), in which carrier storage is improved through cell pitch reduction and power loss is minimized through application of the thin wafer process. The model reduces power loss by 15% compared to the preceding fifth-generation IGBT.
DIPIPM, transfer molded intelligent power modules commercialized globally by Mitsubishi Electric in 1997, are widely used in inverter-equipped appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines, as well as inverter motor drive systems for industrial applications. Sales of the power module, designed for use in package air conditioners and other industrial motors, will begin this month.