Mitsubishi Electric’s fastest elevator in the world can travel from the second-level basement to the 119th floor in just 53 seconds!

worlds_fastest_elevator_Mitsubishi.pdfMitsubishi Electric has developed elevator technologies that achieved a speed of 1,230 meters per minute, or 20.5 meters per second, the fastest elevator speed in the world. The new technologies will be installed to one of three elevators at China’s tallest building, the 632-meter Shanghai Tower. While Mitsubishi Electric’s cutting-edge technologies drastically increase the speed, the elevator also delivers enhanced safety, top-level riding comfort, silence and power saving.

Shanghai TowerThe record-breaking speed was achieved through the development of new equipment, including control panel that can maximize the traction machine’s performance, and improvements of safety devices such as the speed governor, brake device and buffer. Once the elevator is equipped with the new technologies, it can travel from the second-level basement to the 119th floor in just 53 seconds.

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