Nikon announced the new Ti-LAPP System, which offers various combinations of multiple epi-fluorescence modules to meet the demands of bioscience imaging. The inverted microscope Eclipse Ti can be customized to meet individual research needs by combining it with Ti-LAPP System modules. For example, it is possible to perform photostimulation during epi-fluorescence or TIRF observations by combining EPI-FL, H-TIRF and DMD Modules.
The H-TIRF Module, using Imaging Software NIS-Elements, allows auto alignment of settings, such as laser incident angles and evanescent wave field penetration depths, required for TIRF observations. These parameters can be fine-tuned to best suit the needs of the individual user. Individual settings can be saved and recalled in order to easily repeat observations.
The DMD Module, controlled by Imaging Software NIS-Elements, enables multi-point photostimulation simultaneously in arbitrary areas and points to fit a complex cell shape or adjust to areas where florescence proteins are localized.