Oki announced its launch of “Travel Compass,” a travel planning tool to be offered to local governments and travel agencies in Japan. Travel Compass is a tool to help individuals plan travel itineraries that meet their needs by utilizing information from existing tourism websites as well as information on locations and event dates. OKI also offers an optional function to access route search services to display detailed ways of transportation options, the “NAVITIME Connection Function,” provided by NAVITIME Japan Co., Ltd. In addition, by synchronizing the itinerary with mobile phones and PDAs, users can expand their service lineup even to include navigation service.
Gathering tourist information and searching suitable transportation routes has become easy to do with the Internet, but when individuals decide to travel, they still need to look into many websites to gather tourist and local information. Utilizing location and time information, OKI succeeds in developing this new tool to help individuals plan a round trip itinerary that is in detail and viable. For example, based on the locations the users plan to visit, such as specific addresses, Travel Compass will provide them with a detailed travel plan that includes local event dates and times during their stay and with appropriate transportation time.
That’s great that you are saving for travel! Good point about going to garage sales. I sometimes forget about these because I’m usually not up early enough!