Panasonic develops industry’s first nickel-cadmium battery operable at Minus 40 Degrees Celsius

panasonic_cadnica_GT_SeriesPanasonic today announced the development of the industry’s first nickel-cadmium battery capable of charging and discharging at temperatures as low as -40°C (-40°F). Thanks to the newly-developed electrolyte management technology and high-performance negative electrode, the batteries can charge and discharge in a low-temperature environment of -40°C, substantially exceeding the operating temperature range of conventional nickel-cadmium batteries , allowing nickel-cadmium batteries to be used in a wide variety of locations in cold weather regions, and contributing to cost reductions and the simplification of such systems.

The new Panasonic Cadnica GT Series batteries will come in three sizes: SC, C ad D. Other applications of the new batteries include the use for equipment designed for cold-weather regions such as radio devices, measuring instruments, mountain-climbing equipment and ship lights; and backup power source used outdoors such as disaster lighting systems and emergency lighting for tunnels. Panasonic will start shipping samples of the new Cadnica batteries in August 2013. Mass-production will begin in the next fiscal year starting April 2014 with a monthly production of one million pieces.

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