Rockstar brings Table Tennis game to the Wii

All those who want to play ping pong without a paddle, table or ball need only say Wii. Rockstar, the company that created “Grand Theft Auto” and the recently banned “Manhunt 2,” has decided to break away from Xbox 360 exclusivity and offer its surprisingly popular table tennis game on Nintendo.”By bringing Table Tennis to the Wii and utilizing the motion-sensitive Wii Remote, a new audience can now experience a game that is beautifully designed and impossible to put down,” said Rockstar founder and executive producer Sam House.

Rochstar Table Tennis game was hailed for its precision physics and pick-up-and-play functionality, and the inclusion of everything from sponsors to professional players to make it a realistic tournament environment. Rockstar Games Presents “Table Tennis” will be available for the Wii some time this fall.