Sanyo Electrolyzed Water Technology – World First Highly Effective technology for H1N1 Influenza Virus Suppression

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Sanyo has already demonstrated through joint research with public institutions, the effectiveness of its electrolyzed water technology, developed over many years, to suppress various viruses including seasonal influenza. Sanyo has confirmed through joint research with the Gunma Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences that this technology is also highly effective for suppressing the new H1N1 (swine flu) virus that has been spreading around the world since the spring. Sanyo confirmed that its electrolyzed water technology is at least 99% effective in suppressing infectivity for a clinical strain of the new H1N1 influenza virus.
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The verification testing on the effectiveness of electrolyzed water to reduce the infectivity of the new H1N1 virus confirmed a 99% or greater suppression of infectivity for the new H1N1 influenza virus. The testing was conducted by exposing the virus to electrolyzed water with a free chlorine concentration of 2 mg/L, for ten minutes.

New H1N1, or swine flu, is the new pandemic influenza virus that began spreading around the world in the spring of 2009. It causes symptoms such as high fever, muscle aches, and runny nose. Younger people are particularly prone to the new virus, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has now declared a phase-six global pandemic alert.