Now you can enjoy (in Japan) fragrance which goes well with the type of music you like. TOKYO FM with NTT Communication Corporation has come out with an unique radio program “Tapestry” which when downloaded to the PC allows you to enjoy your own made fragrance. First the USB “aroma joule” is loaded with six perfume compounds. Now the aroma joule is connected to the USB port of the PC. After downloading the program of the fragrance from internet, the aroma joule produces perfume as per the software downloaded. The solenoid valve inside the aroma joule opens electro magnetically to spray the perfume with air
At a time it is possible to spray 1% of perfume. When the aroma joule is operated various color lights light up making the place more pleasant. The USB aroma joule with perfume costs approximately 49,900 Yen ($430) and the service will start from October 2nd.
Via TokyoFM