Toyota technology substantially shorten the time needed to improve varieties of sugar cane and improve plant performance

Based on joint development with the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region (KONARC) Japan,Toyota has created genetic-analysis technology that can substantially shorten the time needed to improve varieties of sugar cane and improve plant performance.Toyota developed a high-throughput DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) analysis technology, based on which KONARC assessed sugar cane performance and Toyota worked on genetic analysis. Combining the results created the new genetic-analysis technology.

Toyota believes the development of the new genetic-analysis technology will constitute a major step toward achieving the goal of shortening the period needed for sugar-cane improvement by 50% and expects it will lead to increased sugar-cane yield through creating sugar-cane varieties with higher sugar content and improved disease resistance. Toyota and KONARC will present the new genetic-analysis technology at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan to be held in Kobe from December 7.