This week Gizmodiva brings out some distinctive stuff for kitchen and bathroom as well as a couple of latest wheels. CuisineClean Is The Ultimate Food Purifying System and as it sanitizes your fruits and veggies, Frigits Deluxe is Absolutely Marbleous and keeps you hooked on for (more than required) hours. Take A look at the Smart ForTwo Car which is scheduled to hit the roads of US during 2007. However Nissan’s Barbie Pink Mirca is the Most Expensive of the lot and is believed to donate to a Breast Cancer charity too. Sneak a look at some bathroom indulgence – Luxurious Luxor Hydro Massage Bathtub With Built-In TV is a must for all the TV addicts while we have The Vibrating Soap for lazy people! Last but not least, Reading Light Sits By Your Bedside and Cutest His and Hers Key Holders will secure all your significant keys while Pig E Bank With LCD Display will secure all your coiny-reserves!