OMRON will globally start selling a new mobile robot called the LD-250 on November 15, 2019. With a payload capacity of 250kg, the LD-250 is the strongest and newest addition to Omron’s LD series of mobile robots. The new Omron LD-250 mobile robot has a 250kg payload capacity and almost double the surface area, so it can be used to transport large automobile components such as transmission blocks and voluminous packaging materials – things that would traditionally be moved by human workers using carts.
To optimize the autonomous material transport system, customers will use OMRON’s industry-first Fleet Manager, which can control a diverse fleet of up to 100 of OMRON’s mobile robots that can consist of different payloads and capabilities, by conducting traffic management, battery management, and navigation of vehicles. OMRON will be exhibiting the new LD-250 at the International Robot Exhibition 2019 to be held in Tokyo, Japan, on Dec. 18-21, 2019.