Panasonic donates 4000 units of Solar LED lanterns for Areas Affected by the Earthquake

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Panasonic announced donations of 4000 units of Solar LED lanterns in addition to previous monetary and in-kind donations to aid the victims of the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake that hit Northeast Japan. Rechargeable Solar LED LanternSolar LED Lanterns are a type of LED lighting that uses solar cell panels to charge and power the lights. The 4000 units of donation consist of three models of Solar LED lanterns and have been sent to Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. Two of these models also include USB output which can be used to recharge mobile phones. We hope that the products will be able to bring light in midst the situation, especially where electrical supply is still limited.

Panasonic Group and its employees sincerely hope for swift recovery of the people and areas affected by the disaster.