Sharp will display a range of residential and commercial products and technologies that will change the way we live at PVJapan 2012. Highlights of Sharp exhibits include:
Cloud-Based HEMS Links Businesses and Homes:
By exhibiting a system that combines its HEMS (home energy management system) centered around solar power and a variety of home appliances, Sharp will preview the smart home of the future offering convenience and peace of mind.
Residential Solar Power Generation Systems:
Display products and video will show that Sharp is a total solar solutions provider that meets customer needs starting with pre-installation advice and consultation all the way to post-installation servicing and maintenance, thus ensuring peace of mind in five ways: (1) Electricity when needed, (2) durability, (3) proper installation, (4) servicing, and (5) warranty.
Commercial Solar Power Generation Systems:
A video will illustrate and explain how Sharp strives to offer the highest quality as shown by the long-term reliability of solar modules that have been certified for JIS Q8901. Visitors to PVJapan 2012 will see an extensive lineup of commercial solar modules that meet a range of region- and customer-specific needs such as anti-glareand resistance to packed snow.
Solar Modules Double as Building Material:
On display will be see-through solar modules that can be installed as a number of applications, including balcony railings or windows.