Mitsubishi Electric delivers world’s first silicon carbide auxiliary power supply systems for Railcars

Mitsubishi Electric has commercialized and delivered railcar auxiliary power supply systems that incorporate the world’s first silicon carbide (SiC) power modules for actual use in operating trains. Systems now being installed for test operation in new Type 1000 railcars of Tokyo Metro’s Ginza Line subway are scheduled to enter commercial operation in June. Auxiliary power supply systems provide electricity to air conditioners and lighting inside railcars.

SiC Auxiliary Power Supply
Compared to Mitsubishi Electric’s existing system incorporating silicon power modules, the new system achieves 30% less power loss, is 20% smaller and 15% lighter. It also reduces transformer noise by 4dB due to a 35% improvement in the distortion rate of output voltage waveforms. The new SiC auxiliary power supply system incorporate technologies Mitsubishi Electric developed for SiC inverters.

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