Toshiba SCiB Rechargeable Battery to Power Honda’s New Electric Car Fit EV

Toshiba’s innovative SCiBTM rechargeable battery has been selected by Honda to power its new electric car, the Fit EV. The Toshiba SCiBTM rechargeable battery for the FIT EV was developed with Honda. The Toshiba SCiBTM rechargeable battery has features that make it highly suited for automotive applications. Lithium titanate oxide in the battery anode achieves rapid charge times and a long battery life, and the SCiBTM is also capable of rapid charge and stable power discharge in a wide range of environments.
The characteristics of the SCiBTM battery cell allow electric vehicles to achieve longer driving distances.
The Toshiba SCiBTM rechargeable battery charges in about half the time of a typical Li-ion battery.

An SCiB20Ah cell charged with an 80Ah current will reach 80% of capacity in 15 minutes and 95% in only an additional 3 minutes. The SCiBTM rechargeable battery generates little heat even during this fast recharging, eliminating the need for power to cool the battery module. Moreover, the full charge-discharge cycle for SCiBTM is 4,000 times, over 2.5 times that of other Li-ion batteries. This long life is realizing the potential for reuse of the battery. Toshiba will supply battery modules for the new car, which Honda will launch in summer 2012 in Japan and the U.S.A.