Have you ever wondered what your dog does all day? Could she be feeling sluggish and ill? Did the dog walker really take him out? Davide Rossi MBA ’10 has launched a company to answer such questions not only for himself but for a wide range of people interested in the health and welfare of dogs, including veterinarians, pet food companies, and doggie day care centers. Designed with technical similarities to the fitness trackers people use, FitBark is a tiny wireless device that fits on a dog’s collar and conveys 24/7 activity data from a 3-D accelerometer to iOS and Android smartphones (or an optional Wi-Fi base station) via Bluetooth Smart. Owners can then check in on their dog’s activities via the FitBark mobile app.
FitBark also alerts owners to signs of trouble and helps caretakers coordinate care via a user dashboard. (FitBark’s algorithms are optimized for dogs, so while using one on a cat or other animal is possible, such activity is not officially supported.) FitBark is a beautiful activity monitor that helps owners understand the health and the behavior of their dogs.